Clothes make the man about well-fitting shirts

Clothes make the man: about well-fitting shirts

When I met my husband he often wore a suit. Not during our first meeting, because that was in the climbing hall. But for his work in those days he still often walked in a suit. Fair is fair, I like that. These days he wears very few suits, as they are dressed casually at work.

He still wears shirts though. Not only because it looks dressy for work, but also because he finds it comfortable to wear. Normally we buy shirts in stores, but this time I chose one online.

Pretty tricky because you can't try on. But with a clear size chart and guide on this, this went fine. Clothes make the man.


Some women fall for men in uniform, which is not the case for me. Probably because I wore uniforms for years and they were not always flattering. Not at all in the days when I wore those white dresses in care. No uniforms, but a man in a nice suit, yes.

I like that.

Clothes in the closet

Although the man is still working in the same industry, he nowadays dresses casually. The suits hang in the closet and only come out for special occasions. Shirts are still worn a lot. Sporty with jeans or neat with nice pants. Recently the boys needed an old shirt for a project at school.

I asked the man to choose one to get rid of. This was quite difficult. He had trouble saying goodbye to a shirt.

While I saw a lot of clothes hanging in the closet that really couldn't be more. When I held up a pair, he saw it too. The shirts of today are so much nicer in fit than those of a few years ago.

When I met him, the shirts were much wider and bigger, that was the fashion. Nowadays deck-shirts are much nicer in design, fitting and easy to wear over pants.

Well-fitting shirts

I think a fitting shirt looks good on a man. On I was looking for a shirt for him. There are so many variations in shirts, so I found it quite difficult to decide what is nice. Finding the right size is also difficult when buying a shirt online.

However on the site of I found clear information with a size chart and where and how to measure, for the right shirt size. The choice fell on a tailored fit model by Ledub, a brand unknown to me, but a very nice shirt.

Shirts make the man

As the man unwrapped the shirt his first reaction was: nice fabric, sturdy, warm and good quality. The fit of the shirt is very nice and fits well. Because of the tailored fit, it fits his figure well. I think this looks very nice.

So picking out a shirt online went well.

This shirt costs € 69.90. On the site you will find many models and many (famous) brands. Maybe a nice tip for father's day for your partner or father.

Do you ever buy clothes online and find it difficult with the sizes?

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